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Support Your Child

Home Learning

Home learning refers to any learning activity that pupils are asked to do outside lesson time, either on their own, or with parents/carers. Home earning offers a valuable, ongoing opportunity for parents to support their child’s learning. As children spend approximately 15% of their life at school and 85% of their life at home it is essential that they are assisted to see learning as something that happens both at school and at home.

The purpose of setting home learning for pupils of primary school age alters as they become older. In the Foundation Stage and at Key Stage 1 the key purpose is to develop a partnership with parents and involve them actively in their child’s learning. The most important form of support parents can offer their child is to read to them and, when they are ready, listen to them read. If possible this should happen for a short period of time every day. In Key Stage 2, home learning also provides an opportunity for developing independent research skills, applying creative talent and developing sound independent learning habits.

We strongly encourage the setting up of a regular routine at home so that children can establish a reading habit. Each child is given a Reading Journal and in Foundation Stage and Year 1 we ask parents to write a short comment in this book each time they hear their child read. More experienced readers in Year 1 and 2 and beyond are expected to write some of their own comments.

Other partnership activities could include playing simple board games, telling a story using story props, practising handwriting, drawing together, learning basic number facts and any other practical experience related to the child’s immediate environment. These activities provide an important and valuable opportunity for children to talk about what they are learning to an interested adult and to practise key skills in a supportive environment. Real life skills of cooking, shopping and discussion of incidents and events help children to begin to explore real life experiences within safe boundaries. In this way they can use and apply skills learned in school in the real world.

Reading Lists

Here you will find suggested reading lists for each year group

Financial Support

Every year we ask each family to support learning by making a small voluntary monetary contribution. The way in which this money is used differs each year. In autumn term a letter from our Chair of Governors is sent out to parents explaining how the contributions for that year will be used.

Information about some Places to Explore

We believe that home learning also offers a wonderful opportunity for enrichment and below are some places to visit and websites to use for further learning: