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Clubs and enrichment opportunities

After School Enrichment clubs

We are delighted to be able to offer a range of after school enrichment clubs. Please find the list of clubs on offer below:

  Rec/KS1 KS2
Monday Homework Homework
Tuesday Multi sports Games and puzzles
Wednesday Arts and crafts Arts and crafts
Thursday Games and puzzles Multi sports
Friday Film club Film club

All clubs run from 3.30-4.30pm, daily.

We are very pleased to inform parents that for ALL clubs there will be one price only. That price will be for the whole term. Each club will cost £20 for the whole term (which is approximately £1.50 per week) and needs to be booked for and paid for in advance via Gateway. There will be no refunds for any clubs sessions missed. The payment will then secure your child’s place at that club for the whole term.

Due to popularity and demand, numbers will be capped at 15 per club, this is to ensure we have the correct adult to pupil ratios, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Cost per club: £20

Each term the clubs on offer will be reviewed so that the children have access to a wide range of enrichment activities.

NB: please speak directly to the office if you would like a place for your child at a club and your child receives Free School Meals, as the cost is reduced.

Play centre

We are delighted to be able to offer play centre provision for those parents who require childcare until 6pm.

Play centre provision will operate from 4.30-6pm every day. Children can attend a club and then go directly to play centre, should parents need longer childcare.

If you have a child in Nursery (age 3 upwards) they may attend play centre from 3.30pm.

There is one price only for each play centre session. This cost includes a “picnic tea” for each child, which will be a sandwich, piece of fruit, biscuit and a yogurt. Please note that whilst parents are of course able to collect their child at any time from play centre, there is one flat fee for each session. No refunds will be given for any child who does not stay for the full session.

Cost per play centre session: £7

NB: please speak directly to the office if you would like a place for your child at a play centre session and your child receives Free School Meals, as the cost is reduced.

Please access Gateway in order to book and pay for your clubs and play centre places. If you have any problems with this, please do contact Mrs Dimitrova in the school office and she will be happy to help.